Can White Men Be Saved?
For white men who have committed to opposing and dismantling white supremacy in the outer world and are entering their own inner journey of discovery and healing.

Time & Location
Mar 18, 2023, 11:00 AM PDT – May 22, 2023, 1:00 PM PDT
Online Program: $425
About the Event
“I will flatly say that the bulk of this country’s white population impresses me, and has so impressed me for a very long time, as being beyond any conceivable hope of moral rehabilitation. They have been white, if I may put it, too long…” (James Baldwin, The New York Times, Feb. 2, 1969).
Can White Men Be Saved? addresses Baldwin’s fear that we have been white too long. This course was created for White men, in particular, who are committed to the struggle to end white supremacy and who have begun to awaken to how the construct of Whiteness has profoundly damaged and distorted their own humanity.
Wendell Berry, in his book, The Wound Within, describes a profound psychic trauma that white male supremacy inflicts not only upon people of color, on women, and on the land, but also upon the psyches of those who are privileged within the system.
Led by three White men, pastors within the Christian church, who have been deeply involved in anti-racism and their own soul recovery work over the past thirty years. They created this program for men who understand that a supportive community is essential for the work that is before them. The program offers a safe space for men to gather to face, grieve, and seek healing from their own moral and psychic wounds caused by Whiteness.
This crucial work not only restores one’s own humanity but prepares participants to be better allies in the systemic battle for racial, gender and environmental justice.
Every other week, the entire cohort will meet for what we call a “seeding time” where a topic will be introduced and explored through poetry, movement, video clips, rituals, short teaching times and small group discussions. “Deepening Invitations” will be offered at the end of each seeding that will include suggestions for wandering in the natural world, journaling, and other means of artistic expression.These seeding times will be interspersed with periodic small group gatherings where participants can work the seeding more deeply into their lives.
Intensive to Initiate the Work:
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Session 1 - Creating the container 12-2 EST
Session 2 - What human wholeness entails 5-7 EST
Weekly meetings: 2-4 EST
3/20–Small group “council” gatherings
3/27 Session 3– The annihilation of white European tribal culture
4/3 Session 4– The tragic creation and blessing of White supremacy
4/10 Small group “council” gatherings
4/17 Session 5 - Grieving the moral injury and wounding caused by White supremacy
4/24 Session 6 - Healing our relationship with our own emotions
5/1 Small group “council” gatherings
5/08 Session 7 - Healing Our relationship with the natural world
5/15 Small group “council” gatherings
5/22 Session 8 - Where do we go from here: Commitment Ceremony
Guided by Bryan Smith, Clay Brantley, and Greg Turk.
Can White Men Be Saved?
$425.00+$10.63 service feeSale ended